This happens with Interaction triggers
Are the values blank or is the output missing? Can you provide a screenshot?
What is the name of the trigger or triggers where you are seeing this?
Did they used to? Sorry, I’m blanking on how this was setup to work…
Is/was there a block for getting/setting interaction token/id? Are tokens/ids used anywhere else?
No. And in my case, I need it to respond ephemeral to an interaction.
Got it, I’ll look into adding them soon. Shouldn’t be a very big deal.
I’ve also been meaning to add in your forum field length limits so I’ll try to get them in together. This one might be through a block or something just because it can be semi-sensitive info.
Sorry I was a little confused initially because this was filed as a bug but this seems like more of a feature request.
Not a problem, I’ll be waiting since there’s no workaround.
Can you notify me then or will you announce it?
This has been added along with your earlier request for min/max length on modals.
Thank you Magic, just saw it!
I’ve submitted a support request related to this topic, can you follow-up?
Where? I don’t see it…
he wants to send a emprehral message to the user with multiple dropdowns using a request, and it keeps erroring out
Just silent mentioned you in the chat.