if webhooks were causing issues, i think it would be better if it would send errors in direct messages on the forum, so we would get notifications
Not everyone has a forum account so that could be problematic, but I could see it being an option as a destination in the future.
I think long-term we’ll have some kind of a system where you can set thresholds and destinations so you can have it send you an email or webhook if an error happens more than twice in a minute for example.
I like the idea of supporting more ‘destinations’ than webhooks (email, telegram, etc.), and more options than just ‘error happens, send notification’.
With a more advanced system it could also properly manage successful/failed attempts, remove destinations that don’t work a certain number of times, etc.
I’d be cool with my bot DM’ing me on Discord. Hopefully everyone using this has Discord, given they’re making Discord bots and signed in with Discord. You could mute an error and configure them like I suggested in the notification icon post.