i feel this is kinda unnecessary especially for buttons that delete a message, i dont want to add a empheral message, that kinda defeats the purpose of a delete button (thats just my example)
If that was not there discord would throw an error and people wouldn’t have a clue how to fix it. This will most likely not be added (er, removed) All interactions need responses, so you’ll just have to make one.
If you want to hide this message, create an interaction response block and disable it. Inventor intentionally uses a “dumb” check (is there an interaction response in the flow, at all) so that users doing advanced things (like custom network reqs for responses, or who want that Discord error) can have an ‘escape hatch’.
After you do this, when you run the command Discord will wait 3 seconds and show a red error message saying “This application did not respond” because your application…won’t be responding.
You need to customize the message because Discord expects every interaction to receive a response. Not sending a response is an error condition, not an acceptable outcome. We generally recommend setting this to an ephemeral message, something like “Action complete” or “Giveaway created”, for cases where your ‘proper’ response is a standard message.
Inventor sits in the middle and generates this response if you aren’t sending one because it’s a lot more helpful to most people than Discord’s opaque and non Inventor-specific message.
This has significantly cut down on the number of support requests we get around the previous “This application did not respond” error.
We will not be removing this feature, and you can already disable it as long as a deactivated interaction response block of any kind is present in the flow.
A bot-wide toggle would likely just cause more confusion, since users who want to configure things in settings before putting together their flows may disable the feature, then ask for help. And it creates yet another possible configuration option that needs to be regularly tested, for a feature that impacts very few users.
Also, you should understand this feature better than most since it has already been explained to you (I found this after I typed the above) Error Handling block - #5 by magicbotman