Persistent "Notifications" icon

A small icon that shows how many errors you have. It could also show stuff like major changes to the Inventor platform, and there could even be a block that will send a notification if run. When clicked it would open a small menu that wouldn’t navigate you away from your current page. It would show the error relative time, and basic summary of that error, along with what flow. You could click it and it would expand while still keeping you on the same page. I commonly neglect to check the errors tab as I then have to navigate back to the flow. I could open it a new tab, but this would be ideal. The notifications icon would show up on every page other than the settings page and the errors page. On the bot homepage it could be replaced be a larger card or something.

This might be cool if it could use websockets (or similar) to automatically pop-up new notifications in real time.

There’s also some bots that definitely have too many errors/notifications that it might get annoying. Not sure how to best balance that.

It might be better to have a per-flow errors section that updates in real time (like an embed of the errors tab) or similar, and that might be separate from a site-wide notifications system.

Once changelogs start being posted in Changelogs on the forum rather than on Discord, I could also see some kind of ‘notification’ or ‘changelog’ system that polls for if you’ve read the latest changelog, and lights/shows up somewhere if you haven’t.

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Yeah that would be awesome! :sunglasses: The option to disable the notifications would work for me, and that could be flow specific, bot specific, or user specific. You could also do “Disable this Error’s Popup for _____ minutes” so if you’re working on it it will ignore that error specifically