Is there any way to make bot show a board with jobs and after some time randomize it?

Im doing rn a job dispatcher bot that will give jobs and if its possible? I have 0 knowledge about coding discord bot so if somebody with experience that could help me with it leave response

Hello! Welcome to the forum! We don’t spoonfeed complete bots or show you exactly what to do, but I can help you out with the first few steps. If you haven’t already, make sure to complete all of the tutorials, located in the Documentation section of the forum. For the randomizer, you’ll need to have this stuff:

  • A database of jobs and information about them
  • A flow that will run every so often (e.g. Every Hour)
    • Needs to pick a random row, add it to the list of jobs, and then do it a few more times to get a list of jobs to show
    • Then display that list in an embed

Sorry if i didnt understood something right but is there any way to get bot show up text saved in row not row id? because i cant figure it out

Update Now theres Only a There are jobs for now: no id no nothing after it

use the manage database button to manage columns that you can fill in in rows

by saing fill rows you mean these rows that are empty?

i meant you need to add columns in which you can add data to your rows, but on the discord screenshot you sent it looks like you want to do this:

  • create local var
  • get rows
    • append new line to local var

what data i arleady created columns sorry but i dont understand anything here

if you want a list of all the rows, use the blocks i sent above, but if you want to get just 1 random row, use the get random row block

i added that random row block what option i need to use

if you used the “Get Random Row” block, select from which database you want the random row from



5 characters

to send a reply on the forum you need atleast 5 characters in the reply

I Just Realised MB
So Now How Can make possible for bot to send whats in the row i dont see any option

use the output variable from the block in you text reply block

blocks run from top to bottom

i dont see output variable in my text block

you need to add it using the insert variable menu

So i understand it good i need to use Insert Global Variables if thats the case Theres field labeled Value what i need to add here

you dont need to add any global variables for this purpose, put the random row block before the text reply block, and use the insert variable menu to insert the row column value that you want in the message