[] Guide - How to Restore a Deleted Component

Important: Components can only be restored if they were deleted less than 30 days ago.

In this guide, we will go over how to restore a deleted component.

Step 1 - Go to Components

First we need to head to the components page, you can do this by clicking the Components button in the sidebar.

Step 2 - Go to Restore Menu

Next we need to head to the Restore Components page which can be accessed by clicking the Restore Deleted Components text at the top of the components page.

Step 3 - Restore the Component

Finally we can restore the deleted component by clicking the restore button on the component we want to restore. This will immediately restore it and you will find it again on the main components page. It is worth noting that restored components will not return to the folder they were deleted in.


You should now know how to restore a deleted component from the restore deleted components page