DANGER: A bot deletion cannot be reversed, only delete a bot if you are 100% sure you will not need any data on that bot.
In this guide, we will go over how to delete a bot in Inventor.
Step 1 - Go to Bot Settings
To delete your bot you first need to head to the bots settings, you can do this by clicking on the settings button in the sidebar.
Step 2 - Go to the Bot Deletion Page
Next you want to head to the bot deletion page, this is where we actually delete the bot. It is located at the bottom of the settings menu
Step 3 - Confirm Username
Next we need to enter the bots username, this is the only confirmation you will get so if you are rethinking deleting the bot now is the time to stop.
Step 4 - Delete the Bot
And for the final step we actually delete the bot, to do this press the delete button located underneath the field where we entered the bots username
There is no confirmation prompt, pressing the delete button will immediately and permanently delete your bot from inventor!
Now your bot is deleted, hopefully this was easy to understand. Note that you should never delete your bot unless you are 100% sure that you want to. We recommend speaking to support first either in our discord server or here in Support to see if there is a better solution to whatever problem you might be having.