Dragging blocks on mobile not working

when i hold it, it turns gray but i cant move it, and it seems like the page freezes until i click somewhere again

it works fine on kiwi browser, but it does the described thing in the post on brave browser

Nothing about the drag and drop logic has changed, so this is most likely a browser regression or other device issue.


There’s been another report of this on Discord, it seems to either be a browser regression or an issue with the upstream library.

I’ve filed a report so they are aware: Drag failing to activate on some Android Chromium Browsers · Issue #112 · atlassian/pragmatic-drag-and-drop · GitHub

In the meantime, Chromium versions less than 128 seem to be working fine, so any browsers bundling older versions of Chromium or older builds of Chrome should continue to work.

Just want to update everyone here, this now appears to be a chromium bug.

If you’re running into this problem, please click “+1” (at the top right corner) on issue linked below and use a browser with a chrome version less than 128.
