Custom Block Improvements

I have a few ideas for custom blocks:

  1. Different input options.

    • String (can set min and max lengths)
    • Custom Characters (You have a text box in which you can enter allowed characters. For example I could make an input that only allows β€œA”. It could be case sensitive or case insensitive.
    • Array - lets people add as many items as they want without dealing with CSVs (would just be click to add a row and then fill in info)
      • Also, Array of objects which would be like list but include multiple fields per list item. It could also come with a block to iterate over or get specific items from the list, including object fields where applicable.
    • Database Input - would allow the user to select a database like they do in a normal database block
  2. Input descriptions

    • For example to briefly describe the field and it’s example inputs. Would be instead of this suggestion.
  3. Link to documentation

    • Kind of like the normal blocks with their documentation link. If the link was not entered it would not show up. Doc links should be reviewed before library listings are published.

most of this is already planned the rest I think is fine just stop bugging everyone to vote lol

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Also manually triggering them, like you would a normal flow.