Can I run a large bot on Inventor?

Inventor is suitable for bots in hundreds, or even thousands, of Discord servers!

Premium Bots

Inventor Premium is required for bots in more than 10 servers. Learn more on the pricing page.

We limit free bots to a small number of servers due to the significantly increased hosting costs associated with larger bots. You can upgrade to Premium at any time to lift this restriction.

Onboarding Premium Bots

If you already have a premium (>10 servers) bot, you may not be able to add it to Inventor using the standard bot creation page.

In general, we suggest that you create a ‘temporary’ small bot. Use this bot to build any needed functionality. When you’re ready, we can coordinate a migration where all of that bot’s data (flows, databases, etc.) is moved over to the primary bot’s token.

This minimizes downtime by allowing you to build and test your bot in a staging environment, and enables you to subscribe to Premium in advance to prevent the bot being disabled due to a server count overage.

If you have any questions or wish to start a migration, please contact support (DM ModMail in the Inventor Discord server, or email to discuss a premium bot migration.

Need even more servers?

If you need more servers than what is available through our self-service plans, please contact support with your bot’s approximate server count. We can provide pricing for a custom plan.

Inventor is designed for small-to-medium bots, but we may be able to meet special requirements for large bots (such as SLAs or service contracts) depending on your needs. If you have special requirements or would like to migrate a large bot to Inventor, please reach out.