Tl;DR: No, and it is not planned.
Inventor does not currently support music bots and we are not planning on adding music bot functionality in the future.
Music bots violate YouTube’s developer terms
Aside from not wanting to violate YouTube’s terms in the first place, we don’t want to put ourselves in a situation where we would be forced to shut down (like Groovy and Rythm) the entirety of Inventor over a single feature. We also don’t want to commit to offering a feature if we are unsure that we can offer that feature long-term.
We avoid unsupported APIs
YouTube implements a number of measures to make it difficult to automate streaming video/audio (at scale).
Building features on unofficial and unsupported APIs is something we try to avoid. We’re here to build a reliable platform, not play cat-and-mouse with YouTube.
Large music bots have/had sophisticated systems to avoid YouTube’s abuse protection. Running a large-scale system like this is non-trivial and isn’t something we want to build out and maintain in addition to the (already massive) Inventor platform.