Built-In Linked Roles

I was looking at making linked roles for my bot, but the actual process of creating them with an Inventor bot is quite complex, as far as I can tell. It would be cool to have linked roles built in to Inventor. Perhaps a single component that would have a list of the possible role requirements, and what database it pulled the data for those from. I’m definitely not expecting you to add this right away, but it would be cool to add to the long-term backlog!

The difficulty with this is that linked roles generally use OAuth with a secondary service provider.

If you’re operating a secondary service provider you probably aren’t using Inventor and/or would want to integrate linked roles from your website/service rather than having Inventor sit in the middle.

If this is something with broader demand than I’m anticipating I’ll consider it, but I just doubt that a large number of users would be interested in using this and it seems like an extremely complex and varied thing to add and provide ongoing support for, when the user pool is relatively small.

The way that I’m thinking it won’t be with a secondary service. It would be based on a database within Inventor. My thought is that it would be cool if, for level roles or something, you could see the roles and then give them to yourself one you’ve unlocked them. Or if there’s different achievements, you could pick which ones you want displayed on your profile. This would also have other uses, but they would be based on an Inventor database that could be connected to it that would dictate which requirements you have, then the server owner would be able to configure what roles specifically were for what requirements. Idk if that made sense lol

I see what you’re saying, but this isn’t really the intended use-case and I still doubt there’s a ton of people who would be interested in that sort of thing.

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