Use RegEx in Slash command text requirements?

Not sure if the title is possible, though it would be cool. I’d also like a user/role option, so for example if I want to give everyone with the “cool person” role money in the economy, or if I want to just give FBI a million dollars, that would be with the same command. Only way of doing this right now is two commands or two different inputs, but you’d have to check and make sure that one, and only one, is filled in. You could also use a text input, but that doesn’t validate that it’s a role. I’m pretty sure some bots do this.

I’ll look into if Discord’s API supports this.

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Could’ve sworn I’ve seen a user/role input, but I was reading through the API (as one does when they have extra time) and didn’t see any mention. I did see a thing about subcommand groups (bonus feature request lol) which had an example that would make me assume this isn’t possible. Quick Google brings up this GitHub issue, so I’m guessing RegEx won’t work either.

User and role inputs are already supported by Inventor, so you should be good there.

Added subcommand groups to Trello:

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Yeah I meant user or role in one input. I thought unbelievaboat had this for add money, but I guess not. Thanks!

Mentionable has been added and RegEx is not possible.