Send or edit embed message - execution error

I have an action to send or edit embed message. It is in a flow that also contains a loop with runs a block. If i put the message action before the loop, it works with no error. If I put it after the loop i get an execution error.

I’ve also tried this with reply with embed message. Taking out certain elements of the embed and just getting to the basics didn’t work either.

An error occurred while running block Send or Edit Embed Message: HTTP 400 Bad Request

“message”: “Invalid Form Body”,
“code”: 50035,
“errors”: {
“message_reference”: {
“_errors”: [
“message”: “Unknown message”

Invalid Form Body (50035)

you are using embed reply in the screenshot, you couldve gotten that error if you try to update the original message while its the first message in the interaction

Yeah, its happening for both, but this is actually what i want. I wanted to reply to the slash command. It works before the loop but not after.

add an defer interaction block as the first block

Thank you! I didn’t understand that. I appreciate all your help!

np, is it solved?

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